But Nick, what's this movie about?
Two-time Academy Award nominee® Ethan Hawke plays Edward Dalton, a researcher in the year 2019, in which an unknown plague has transformed the world's population into vampires. As the human population nears extinction, vampires must capture and farm every remaining human, or find a blood substitute before time runs out. However, a covert group of vampires makes a remarkable discovery, one which has the power to save the human race.
As a self-proclaimed vampire film connoisseur, I must say that this film is a must add to my personal collection. The film's visually stunning cinematography does an excellent job dropping you into a world that has drastically changed in the not too distant future. Also, it's got Willem Dafoe and Ethan Hawke in it.
Check out the trailer to see for yourself:
Although highly unrealistic (or is it?) the film left me asking the question: What would I do? Would I succumb to my fate and attempt to live forever as vampire, or would I join the small allegiance and try to affect change in this world. These vampires don't sparkle or have a neighbourhood vampire slayer; although the blood deprived vampires are reminiscent of the Turok-Han (the uber-vamps in Buffy Season 7) so maybe the slayer is around the corner. If Buffy is involved I would totally join the allegiance.
If you've decided to become vampire you can recruit your friends to join you. Check out this awesome site from Maple Pictures to make your own recruitment video: www.vampirerecruiter.com
The film releases May 11th on Blu-ray and DVD so check it out and let me know what you think.